Thursday, March 17, 2011

Gleek. Certified. :)

yeah. i'm one of them. one of you! a certified GLEEK.just watched the latest eppy.. and i uber loved it! :)

the fact that they sang original songs (FINALLY) made me more like it. they should write moooore songs from now on! "Get It Right" and "Loser Like Me" will surely be a hit - it'll be topping the charts soooon! :)


the KISS. - oooh yes! the two gays kissed! (Blaine and Kurt) not surprised at all though. but a little grossed out. haha! i have nothing against homosexuals but still am not comfortable seeing them.
 and if you want to watch the KISS scene better download it rather than watching it on TV. i heard they removed that part. aaw.

the KISS, two - who would have guessed the song KISS is a tango?! i love their arrangement! it's one of the best arrangements of the series. Will was soo into Holly all through out the song! another item to watch out for. hmm i bet it wouldn't last long..

Quinn and Finn going public - yeah. they're back together! history repeated. blah! im pretty sure Quinn just wants to be Prom Queen. and she needs the quarterback to achieve that. all about labels! argh.

Rachel got it right - her solo was amazing! though i hate her acting, i love her voice. she has a clean voice. i liked her in the first season, and i grew tired of her in the long run cause she sang almost all the songs then.. but her solo definitely reminded me how good she is and why i liked her in the first place. :)

Cliffhanger/Watch out:

Rachel-Finn-Quinn - yep, the unending TRIANGLE.
                                Finn is with Quinn.
                                Rachel's not giving up on Finn.
                                Finn's looking confused while Rachel was singing. aaw, eye contact too!
Will and Virgin Freak Girl (i foropt her name haha) - boring. but yeah, they're part of it. :p She admitted that she is confused about her feelings. very.
Will and Holly - their blooming long distance relationship.
Santana - after her lesbian confession.

PS. i download my episodes at :) they have the episodes a day after the USAiring. :) and GLEE will be back on the 12th of April for episode 17. :) mark your calendars now! :)

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